API to automate your trading
API to automate your trading
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{ "results": [ { "id": 0, "accessKey": "string", "personId": 0, "firstName": "string", "lastName": "string", "email": "string", "whiteLabelSiteId": 0, "role": "string", "message": "string", "createDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "deleteDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "comment": "string" } ], "responseStatus": { "errorCode": "string", "message": "string", "errors": [ { … } ] } }
{ "results": [ { "id": 0, "orderId": "string", "strategyId": 0, "strategyName": "string", "signalId": 0, "orderType": "1", "side": "1", "openClose": "O", "orderQuantity": 0.1, "limit": 0.1, "stop": 0.1, "tif": "0", "profitTarget": 0.1, "stopLoss": 0.1, "doNotCreateOCAGroup": null, "cancelReplaceSignalId": 0, "parentSignalId": 0, "doNotSyncToOpen": null, "c2Symbol": { … }, "exchangeSymbol": { … }, "rejectMessage": "string", "brokerId": 0, "orderStatus": "string", "filledQuantity": 0.1, "avgFillPrice": 0.1, "postedDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "signalType": 0, "info": "string" } ], "responseStatus": { "errorCode": "string", "message": "string", "errors": [ { … } ] } }
'A' = PendingNew, '0' = Working, '1' = Partially filled, '2' = Filled, '4' = Canceled, '5' = Replaced, '6' = Pending Cancel, '8' = Rejected, 'C' = Expired, 'E' = Pending Replace (Optional)
Result size limit. We will enforce a max size limit for all endpoints. Default is 1000
{ "Account": "string", "PersonId": 0, "BrokerId": 0, "StrategyId": 0, "OrderStatus": "A", "StartDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "EndDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "Cursor": "string", "Limit": 0, "AscendingOrder": true }
{ "results": [ { "id": 0, "orderId": "string", "strategyId": 0, "strategyName": "string", "signalId": 0, "orderType": "1", "side": "1", "openClose": "O", "orderQuantity": 0.1, "limit": 0.1, "stop": 0.1, "tif": "0", "profitTarget": 0.1, "stopLoss": 0.1, "doNotCreateOCAGroup": null, "cancelReplaceSignalId": 0, "parentSignalId": 0, "doNotSyncToOpen": null, "c2Symbol": { … }, "exchangeSymbol": { … }, "rejectMessage": "string", "brokerId": 0, "orderStatus": "string", "filledQuantity": 0.1, "avgFillPrice": 0.1, "postedDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "signalType": 0, "info": "string" } ], "pagination": { "prev_cursor": "string", "next_cursor": "string" }, "responseStatus": { "errorCode": "string", "message": "string", "errors": [ { … } ] } }
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{ "results": [ { "id": 0, "personId": 0, "account": "string", "scalingPercentage": 0.1, "strategyId": 0, "strategyName": "string", "brokerId": 0, "brokerName": "string", "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "lastModified": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } ], "pagination": { "prev_cursor": "string", "next_cursor": "string" }, "responseStatus": { "errorCode": "string", "message": "string", "errors": [ { … } ] } }
{ "results": [ { "id": 0, "personId": 0, "account": "string", "scalingPercentage": 0.1, "strategyId": 0, "strategyName": "string", "brokerId": 0, "brokerName": "string", "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "lastModified": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } ], "pagination": { "prev_cursor": "string", "next_cursor": "string" }, "responseStatus": { "errorCode": "string", "message": "string", "errors": [ { … } ] } }
{ "results": [ { "personId": 0, "brokerName": "string", "account": "string", "strategyId": 0, "strategyName": "string", "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "todayReturn": 0.1, "totalReturn": 0.1 } ], "responseStatus": { "errorCode": "string", "message": "string", "errors": [ { … } ] } }
{ "results": [ { "id": 0, "orderId": "string", "strategyId": 0, "strategyName": "string", "signalId": 0, "orderType": "1", "side": "1", "openClose": "O", "orderQuantity": 0.1, "limit": 0.1, "stop": 0.1, "tif": "0", "profitTarget": 0.1, "stopLoss": 0.1, "doNotCreateOCAGroup": null, "cancelReplaceSignalId": 0, "parentSignalId": 0, "doNotSyncToOpen": null, "c2Symbol": { … }, "exchangeSymbol": { … }, "rejectMessage": "string", "brokerId": 0, "orderStatus": "string", "filledQuantity": 0.1, "avgFillPrice": 0.1, "postedDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "signalType": 0, "info": "string" } ], "pagination": { "prev_cursor": "string", "next_cursor": "string" }, "responseStatus": { "errorCode": "string", "message": "string", "errors": [ { … } ] } }
{ "results": [ { "quantity": 0.1, "c2Symbol": { … }, "exchangeSymbol": { … }, "strategyId": 0, "strategyName": "string", "currency": "string", "openedDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "avgPx": 0.1 } ], "responseStatus": { "errorCode": "string", "message": "string", "errors": [ { … } ] } }
{ "results": [ { "personId": 0, "firstName": "string", "lastName": "string", "email": "string", "account": "string", "strategyId": 0, "strategyName": "string", "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "endDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "startEquity": 0, "endEquity": 0, "totalReturn": 0.1, "totalDelta": 0.1, "scalingFactor": 0 } ], "responseStatus": { "errorCode": "string", "message": "string", "errors": [ { … } ] } }
{ "results": [ { "strategyId": 0, "strategyName": "string", "isAlive": true, "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "primarySecurityTypes": "string", "securityTypesEnabled": { … }, "monthlyCost": 0.1, "strategyOwnerId": 0, "strategyOwnerName": "string", "suggestedCapital": 0, "lastModified": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "score": 0, "isTradeOwnSystem": true, "whiteLabelSiteId": 0, "isHidden": true, "hiddenReason": "string", "isPrivate": true, "aum": 0, "auM_NumberOfAccounts": 0, "return": 0.1, "equity": 0.1, "cash": 0.1, "startingCash": 0.1, "profitFactor": 0.1, "cashDividends": 0.1, "buyingPower": 0.1, "marginUsed": 0.1, "ageInDays": 0, "modelAccountValue": 0.1, "numTrades": 0, "winTrades": 0.1, "winMonths": 0.1, "maxDrawdown": 0.1, "avgWinDollars": 0.1, "avgLossDollars": 0.1, "correlationSP500": 0.1, "alpha": 0.1, "beta": 0.1, "treynor": 0.1, "avgLeverage": 0.1, "maxLeverage": 0.1 } ], "responseStatus": { "errorCode": "string", "message": "string", "errors": [ { … } ] } }
{ "results": [ { "strategyId": 0, "strategyName": "string", "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "securityTypesEnabled": { … }, "monthlyCost": 0.1, "strategyOwnerId": 0, "dailyEquity": [ … ], "monthlyResults": [ … ] } ], "responseStatus": { "errorCode": "string", "message": "string", "errors": [ { … } ] } }
{ "results": [ { "id": 0, "personId": 0, "strategyId": 0, "strategyName": "string", "isSimulation": true, "isPaperTrade": true, "isAlive": true, "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "endDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } ], "pagination": { "prev_cursor": "string", "next_cursor": "string" }, "responseStatus": { "errorCode": "string", "message": "string", "errors": [ { … } ] } }
{ "results": [ { "id": 0, "strategyId": 0, "strategyName": "string", "personId": 0, "subscriptionId": 0, "subscriberId": 0, "isStrategyOwner": true, "alias": "string", "firstName": "string", "lastName": "string", "email": "string", "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "endDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "basePrice": 0.1, "markup": 0.1, "cost": 0.1, "lastTransactionDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "lastTransactionAmount": 0.1, "isResale": 0.1, "whiteLabelSiteId": 0, "geoSiteId": "string" } ], "pagination": { "prev_cursor": "string", "next_cursor": "string" }, "responseStatus": { "errorCode": "string", "message": "string", "errors": [ { … } ] } }
Result size limit. We will enforce a max size limit for all endpoints. Default is 1000
{ "StrategyId": 0, "StartDate": "string", "EndDate": "string", "StrategyOwnerPersonId": 0, "SubscriberPersonId": 0, "WhiteLabelSiteId": 0, "Cursor": "string", "Limit": 0, "AscendingOrder": true }
{ "results": [ { "id": 0, "personId": 0, "licenseType": "string", "licenseTypeId": 0, "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "endDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "isRecurring": true, "cost": 0.1 } ], "pagination": { "prev_cursor": "string", "next_cursor": "string" }, "responseStatus": { "errorCode": "string", "message": "string", "errors": [ { … } ] } }
The Type of list to modify. Valid values are 'LIST' (for the whole watchlist), 'MEMBER' (for the list items)
The change to make. Valid values are: ADD, DELETE
The WatchList Id. Required except when ModificationAction=ADD and ModificationSource=LIST
{ "PersonId": 0, "WatchListId": 0, "ModificationSource": "LIST", "ModificationAction": "ADD", "StrategyId": 0, "WatchListName": "string" }
{ "Account": "string", "PersonId": 0, "Order": { "id": 0, "orderId": "string", "strategyId": 0, "strategyName": "string", "signalId": 0, "orderType": "1", "side": "1", "openClose": "O", "orderQuantity": 0.1, "limit": 0.1, "stop": 0.1, "tif": "0", "profitTarget": 0.1, "stopLoss": 0.1, "doNotCreateOCAGroup": null, "cancelReplaceSignalId": 0, "parentSignalId": 0, "doNotSyncToOpen": null, "c2Symbol": { "fullSymbol": "string", "symbolType": "string", "underlying": "string", "expiry": "string", "putOrCall": "string", "strikePrice": 0.1, "description": "string" }, "exchangeSymbol": { "symbol": "string", "currency": "string", "securityExchange": "string", "securityType": "string", "maturityMonthYear": "string", "putOrCall": 0, "strikePrice": 0.1, "priceMultiplier": 0.1 }, "rejectMessage": "string" } }
{ "Order": { "id": 0, "orderId": "string", "strategyId": 0, "strategyName": "string", "signalId": 0, "orderType": "1", "side": "1", "openClose": "O", "orderQuantity": 0.1, "limit": 0.1, "stop": 0.1, "tif": "0", "profitTarget": 0.1, "stopLoss": 0.1, "doNotCreateOCAGroup": null, "cancelReplaceSignalId": 0, "parentSignalId": 0, "doNotSyncToOpen": null, "c2Symbol": { "fullSymbol": "string", "symbolType": "string", "underlying": "string", "expiry": "string", "putOrCall": "string", "strikePrice": 0.1, "description": "string" }, "exchangeSymbol": { "symbol": "string", "currency": "string", "securityExchange": "string", "securityType": "string", "maturityMonthYear": "string", "putOrCall": 0, "strikePrice": 0.1, "priceMultiplier": 0.1 }, "rejectMessage": "string" } }
{ "id": 0, "orderId": "string", "strategyId": 0, "strategyName": "string", "signalId": 0, "orderType": "1", "side": "1", "openClose": "O", "orderQuantity": 0.1, "limit": 0.1, "stop": 0.1, "tif": "0", "profitTarget": 0.1, "stopLoss": 0.1, "doNotCreateOCAGroup": null, "cancelReplaceSignalId": 0, "parentSignalId": 0, "doNotSyncToOpen": null, "c2Symbol": { "fullSymbol": "string", "symbolType": "string", "underlying": "string", "expiry": "string", "putOrCall": "string", "strikePrice": 0.1, "description": "string" }, "exchangeSymbol": { "symbol": "string", "currency": "string", "securityExchange": "string", "securityType": "string", "maturityMonthYear": "string", "putOrCall": 0, "strikePrice": 0.1, "priceMultiplier": 0.1 }, "rejectMessage": "string" }
{ "id": 0, "orderId": "string", "strategyId": 0, "strategyName": "string", "signalId": 0, "orderType": "1", "side": "1", "openClose": "O", "orderQuantity": 0.1, "limit": 0.1, "stop": 0.1, "tif": "0", "profitTarget": 0.1, "stopLoss": 0.1, "doNotCreateOCAGroup": null, "cancelReplaceSignalId": 0, "parentSignalId": 0, "doNotSyncToOpen": null, "c2Symbol": { "fullSymbol": "string", "symbolType": "string", "underlying": "string", "expiry": "string", "putOrCall": "string", "strikePrice": 0.1, "description": "string" }, "exchangeSymbol": { "symbol": "string", "currency": "string", "securityExchange": "string", "securityType": "string", "maturityMonthYear": "string", "putOrCall": 0, "strikePrice": 0.1, "priceMultiplier": 0.1 }, "rejectMessage": "string", "brokerId": 0, "orderStatus": "string", "filledQuantity": 0.1, "avgFillPrice": 0.1, "postedDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "signalType": 0, "info": "string" }
{ "id": 0, "alias": "string", "firstName": "string", "lastName": "string", "email": "string", "phone": "string", "isPhoneVerified": true, "language": "string", "whiteLabelSiteId": 0, "countryCode": "string", "divisionCode": "string", "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "lastLoggedIn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "lastIP": "string", "isEmailValidated": true, "isAlive": true, "approvedAccounts": [ { "personId": 0, "addedDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "account": "string", "brokerId": 0, "connectionType": 0, "addedByPersonId": 0 } ], "isManager": true, "isInvestor": true, "geoSite": "string", "isGeoSiteAdmin": true }
{ "quantity": 0.1, "c2Symbol": { "fullSymbol": "string", "symbolType": "string", "underlying": "string", "expiry": "string", "putOrCall": "string", "strikePrice": 0.1, "description": "string" }, "exchangeSymbol": { "symbol": "string", "currency": "string", "securityExchange": "string", "securityType": "string", "maturityMonthYear": "string", "putOrCall": 0, "strikePrice": 0.1, "priceMultiplier": 0.1 } }
{ "quantity": 0.1, "c2Symbol": { "fullSymbol": "string", "symbolType": "string", "underlying": "string", "expiry": "string", "putOrCall": "string", "strikePrice": 0.1, "description": "string" }, "exchangeSymbol": { "symbol": "string", "currency": "string", "securityExchange": "string", "securityType": "string", "maturityMonthYear": "string", "putOrCall": 0, "strikePrice": 0.1, "priceMultiplier": 0.1 }, "strategyId": 0, "strategyName": "string", "currency": "string", "openedDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "avgPx": 0.1 }
{ "results": [ { "id": 0, "alias": "string", "firstName": "string", "lastName": "string", "email": "string", "phone": "string", "isPhoneVerified": true, "language": "string", "whiteLabelSiteId": 0, "countryCode": "string", "divisionCode": "string", "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "lastLoggedIn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "lastIP": "string", "isEmailValidated": true, "isAlive": true, "approvedAccounts": [ … ], "isManager": true, "isInvestor": true, "geoSite": "string", "isGeoSiteAdmin": true } ], "pagination": { "prev_cursor": "string", "next_cursor": "string" }, "responseStatus": { "errorCode": "string", "message": "string", "errors": [ { … } ] } }
{ "Order": { "id": 0, "orderId": "string", "strategyId": 0, "strategyName": "string", "signalId": 0, "orderType": "1", "side": "1", "openClose": "O", "orderQuantity": 0.1, "limit": 0.1, "stop": 0.1, "tif": "0", "profitTarget": 0.1, "stopLoss": 0.1, "doNotCreateOCAGroup": null, "cancelReplaceSignalId": 0, "parentSignalId": 0, "doNotSyncToOpen": null, "c2Symbol": { "fullSymbol": "string", "symbolType": "string", "underlying": "string", "expiry": "string", "putOrCall": "string", "strikePrice": 0.1, "description": "string" }, "exchangeSymbol": { "symbol": "string", "currency": "string", "securityExchange": "string", "securityType": "string", "maturityMonthYear": "string", "putOrCall": 0, "strikePrice": 0.1, "priceMultiplier": 0.1 }, "rejectMessage": "string" } }
Result size limit. We will enforce a max size limit for all endpoints. Default is 1000
{ "Account": "string", "PersonId": 0, "BrokerId": 0, "FirstName": "string", "LastName": "string", "Email": "string", "WhiteLabelSiteId": 0, "CountryCode": "string", "IPAddress": "string", "Phone": "string", "Cursor": "string", "Limit": 0, "AscendingOrder": true }
The person's country code. Not case-sensitive. (optional) See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2
The person's subdivision (e.g. provinces or states). Not case-sensitive. (optional) See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2
Result size limit. We will enforce a max size limit for all endpoints. Default is 1000
{ "PersonId": 0, "FirstName": "string", "LastName": "string", "Email": "string", "WhiteLabelSiteId": 0, "CountryCode": "string", "DivisionCode": "string", "IPAddress": "string", "Phone": "string", "IsAlive": true, "IsEmailValidated": true, "Cursor": "string", "Limit": 0, "AscendingOrder": true }
(optional) SecurityType filter. e.g. Stocks = 'CS', Futures = 'FUT', Options = 'OPT', Forex = 'FOR'
(optional) Filter used to search old stategies. The date must be in ISO 8601 Date Format.
Search strategies on name (optional). Partial matches will be returned. Wildcards % and _ are supported
Result size limit. We will enforce a max size limit for all endpoints. Default is 1000
{ "SecurityType": "CS", "CreatedBeforeDate": "string", "StrategyName": "string", "StrategyOwnerPersonId": 0, "WhiteLabelSiteId": 0, "Cursor": "string", "Limit": 0, "AscendingOrder": true }
{ "results": [ { "id": 0, "strategyId": 0, "isAlive": true, "isHidden": true, "hiddenReason": "string", "isPrivate": true, "strategyName": "string", "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "securityTypesEnabled": { … }, "monthlyCost": 0.1, "strategyOwnerId": 0, "whiteLabelSiteId": 0 } ], "pagination": { "prev_cursor": "string", "next_cursor": "string" }, "responseStatus": { "errorCode": "string", "message": "string", "errors": [ { … } ] } }
Set to TRUE if you want to enable the account for Autotrade. The StartAutotrade endpoint will automatically enable this setting. It may be disabled if your account is delinked by the broker, or if we detect rare unexpected activity in your account such as a margin call, pattern day trader, account becomes restricted by the broker, etc.
{ "Account": "string", "PersonId": 0, "BrokerId": 0, "IsAutotradeEnabled": true, "IsAutoSyncEnabled": true }
{ "personId": 0, "firstName": "string", "lastName": "string", "email": "string", "account": "string", "strategyId": 0, "strategyName": "string", "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "endDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "startEquity": 0, "endEquity": 0, "totalReturn": 0.1, "totalDelta": 0.1, "scalingFactor": 0 }
(optional) TRUE to enable the Futures asset class when autotrading this strategy. Default is FALSE
(optional) Set a maximum number of contracts to hold in a position for this strategy
(optional) Set a maximum number of units (each unit on C2 is 10000 currency units) to hold in a position for this strategy
(optional) TRUE to enable autotrading Stocks for this strategy. Default is FALSE
(optional) Set a maximum number of dollars to hold in a position for this strategy (no decimals)
(optional) TRUE to enable autotrading Options for this strategy. Default is FALSE
(optional) TRUE to enable the shorting of Options when autotrading this strategy. Default is FALSE
(optional) Set a maximum number of contracts to hold in a position for this strategy
(optional) TRUE to prevent joining currently open positions in the strategy. Only applies to new Autotrade setups: this setting must not be set when modifing an existing Autotrade setup.
(optional) Dollar value of the automated stop loss which will rest in addition to the strategy stop loss orders
(optional) The Brokerage account username. Only needed for specific Brokers, please enquire with support at help@collective2.com
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